A place where…

Love is in itself an actual language and not limited to five. A place where nothing and no one is considered superior, but wholeness a way of living. Scars are not only a reminder of battles won but reflect the end of a healing journey successfully conquered. I constantly crave that place of late. A place that leaves no space for uncertainty, no space for insecurity or even questions left unanswered. Where we unapologetically hold space for each other even in the most uncomfortable situations. Where love is the loudest sound you hear, the softest texture you feel, the brightest light you see penetrate any darkness that might creep in, the sweetest of tastes and the only energy that exists.

A place where safety, loyalty, selflessness and consistent effort are the most natural instincts with zero room available for anything conflicting. Where we naturally gravitate towards love in every thought, word, action and reaction. Where the default is being and doing good, not for the sake of looking good or creating a perception of goodness. Selflessness.

A place where hope and healing are a default, even in the the toughest of times. Where the passion of crashing waves and the sweet melody of an ocean breeze inspire completeness within the self. A love centered around gratitude and praise of the majesty that is our Maker. Purity.

Yeah I’ll find and with a tight embrace, never let go of that place again. As long as my heart still beats and my lungs are filled with oxygen. I’ll dig it up from deep within me again, because it resides nowhere else; this love.

Yours truly…Pagesbymaki!!!

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