A place where…

Love is in itself an actual language and not limited to five. A place where nothing and no one is considered superior, but wholeness a way of living. Scars are not only a reminder of battles won but reflect the end of a healing journey successfully conquered. I constantly crave that place of late. A…

A li’l Pep Talk.

Hey fam, HAPPY FRIYAY…😊 Life’s been tremendously interesting lately, navigating between my reality and the lies I’ve continuously told myself. So today I listened to a very interesting interview which put so much into perspective. This isn’t a review but an interpretation of a moment of reflection I had this morning. Dr. Dispenza mentioned something…


Oh hiiiiiiiiii! It’s safe to say, I’ve literally outwritten my emotions. Sitting here, years later and wondering why I stopped writing. I’ve been asked this question a couple of times by those who cared to read my ramblings. I don’t want to commit to consistency, not just yet. Because what a whirlwind of a life….

September little notes to self:

You know when you get so emotionally exhausted by certain experiences that whatever comes out of another humans mouth, whoever they think they are makes you just wanna roll your eyes and say “Yeah whatever, stop wasting your breath?” I bet you don’t lol. Well that’s how I’ve felt recently. Thank goodness for my ability to get…

Too many elephants…room too small!

A myriad of conflicting thoughts on this here Wednesday. Feeling somewhat emotional. As womens month comes to an end, I am reminded of how strong women really are, but also how we are unfairly perceived and rated against historical societal “norms” Where we do try to break these so called “norms” is when we realise…


What’s all the fuss about? Why should I as a human being be at all ALWAYS SATISFIED? We’re not wired that way anyway. Life has both happiness and sadness, so why should I align certain experiences to a particular emotion? Let’s take a step back. I had a very deep chat with a friend yesterday after feeling a tad bit out of…

My heart still sees the light even when all my eyes see is darkness!

Today I went into a reading spree, desperately wanted to be so absorbed inside another persons life (whether it be fiction or non-fiction…didn’t really matter to me); that I forgot the events that were taking place in my own. To be absent from my own world and present in the world of another; through the words that seamlessly…

When it rains, it pours…

Wow, how do I put this?

Hey lovers, it’s been a minute. I’ve been exceptionally busy…with life in general. So last night I had the most perfect blog post all drafted and ready to publish but you know that inner voice that tells you, no, now’s not the right time. I had literally poured my heart out 🙂 . But that didn’t happen so here we are.

This has been one of THE most mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting weeks of my life. Don’t know whether to call it the worst though…no it wasn’t the worst. However my comfort was substantially and intensely shifted and tested. You know when you’ve established that special place of safety? Your comfort zone? A place you go to whether you’re comfortable or the pressure’s on? Yeah that place? Then the universe tests you, substantially shifts your paradigm, that comfort zone changes to uncertainty. When ‘life as you know it’ changes? Now THAT is not a good space to be in. Kinda like why did I let myself get comfortable in the first place? Like…no Maki, stay on your course and NEVER get comfortable.

What I’ve learnt though, through all of these overwhelming feelings and unanswerable questions is; there is still much to be learnt and experienced, a heck of a lot of exciting times ahead. I know it’ll be extremely exhausting and frustrating but when I think about it, realistically, as intangible as it still seems, I get a slight sense of excitement:)

So here’s to uncertainty, uncomfortable yet exciting challenges; here’s to pushing the envelope and to ABSOLUTELY AMAZING EXPERIENCES!

x o x o Maki x o x o

Musings while the world turns…

(Deep in thought at exactly 11pm S.A.T) It’s amazing how we seem to think we can manipulate time whereas the world conveniently does that for us. We try to get organized in order to use our TIME effectively. We use alarm clocks, we schedule meetings, make appointments and we mark off calendars but the fact…

To my 10 year younger self…

With growing up comes a lot of challenges, eye-opening aha moments and shocking WFT’s! Today was a super emotional day for me. Although I can’t blame it on one thing, man I was a wreck (I feel sorry for whoever was on the receiving end). Actually haven’t been like this in a while. Even forgotten…